Musical Toys

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(Last Updated On: May 28, 2018)

There are many musical gifts you can get a child in your life. They range from drum sets (electronic or traditional) to gifts like karaoke machines –  kids love to use for things like family fun night or sleepovers.

If you are a music lover yourself, you will understand the joy that making music can bring, and will want to encourage that in the children in your life. Whilst their efforts may not sound much like to begin with, with encouragement who knows what they will grow into.

If you are buying for babies they will enjoy the thrill of simple sounds, so a nice pair of musical rattles is a great place to start.These wooden rattles are not only great for shaking, but they look so colourful so will appeal to toddler’s senses in more ways than one. Alternatives to rattles would include xylophones or keyboards – I particularly like the Rcool Music Carpet Mat with it’s bright colours.
As children get older then musical toys become more like grown up versions, such as the Bontempi Clarinet – with it’s eight coloured keys it aids children’s learning process to enable them to play the songs on the back of the box.

Guitars are always a popular instrument for children to learn. Here’s a selection from Amazon:

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Young girls in particular love karaoke machines, although boys will also enjoy using them, as they pretend to be the latest pop stars. Great for family fun too!

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